Generation Alliance is the Alliance Israelite Universelle alumni network. It is an exclusive and international social network that will help you locate your old school chums, friends living in distant places and trace family information in your country of origin.

  • Discover and exchange hundreds of photos
  • Chat with your old classmates
  • Create and support projects
  • Honor the memory of your loved ones on the Wall of Names

Memory wall

The Memory Wall is a space dedicated to the deceased who contributed to the wealth and sustainability of the Alliance Israelite Universelle network: students, teachers, staff, students' parents… All those people who participated from close by or from afar in the life of Alliance across the world. On this wall, you have the opportunity to honor the memory of loved ones by adding photos, texts on their lives, their achievements or anecdotes. Memory wall

All about AlU in 5 minutes

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  • 9
    Timeline album
    Génération Alliance
    Added at: 22/07/2015
  • 1
    Timeline album
    bachir raissouni
    Added at: 30/04/2015
  • 9
    Alliance Contributeur
    Added at: 13/06/2014
  • 8
    Alliance Contributeur
    Added at: 13/06/2014
  • 1
    Alliance Contributeur
    Added at: 13/06/2014
  • 2
    Alliance Contributeur
    Added at: 13/06/2014
  • 3
    Alliance Contributeur
    Added at: 13/06/2014
  • 7
    Alliance Contributeur
    Added at: 13/06/2014
  • 8
    Alliance Contributeur
    Added at: 13/06/2014